1. Perez-Gomez I, Giles T. European survey of contact lens wearers and eye care professionals on satisfaction with a new water gradient daily disposable contact lens. Clin Optom. 2014;6:17-23.
2. In a clinical study wherein patients used AOSEPT® solution for nightly cleaning, disinfecting, and storing; Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie. CLY935-C013, 2021.
3. In a clinical trial to evaluate on-eye performance of TOTAL30® for Astigmatism lenses where n=69; CLV201-C001. REF-15339. 2021.
4. In a clinical trial to evaluate overall performance of TOTAL30® for Astigmatism lenses over a 28-day period; Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie. CLV201-M102. REF-15340. 2021.
5. In a clinical trial to assess overall performance of DAILIES TOTAL1® for Astigmatism lenses where n=134 patients; LO870-E004. REF-13451. 2021.
6. Merchea M, Evans D, Kannarr S, et al. Patient and ECP Satisfaction in the United States with a Novel Water Gradient Daily Disposable Multifocal Contact Lens. Presented at the American Optometric Association Annual Meeting, June 20-24, 2018. Denver, CO.
7. Based on an assessment of DAILIES TOTAL1® Multifocal contact lenses in challenging patients; CLE914-P001- TDOC-0053110. REF-00190. 2017.
8. Based on a clinical trial of DAILIES TOTAL1® Multifocal contact lenses; Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie. R-422-C-002. REF-06772. 2013.
9. Thekveli S, Qui Y, Kapoor Y, et al. Structure-property relationship of delefilcon A lenses. Contact Lens Anterior Eye. 2012;35(Suppl 1):e14.
10. Angelini TE, Nixon RM, Dunn AC, et al. Viscoelasticity and mesh-size at the surface of hydrogels characterized with microrheology. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:E-abstract 500.
11. In vitro analysis of lens oxygen permeability, water content, and surface imaging; Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie A02491-REP-197506 v2.3, 2021.
12. In vitro analysis of lehfilcon A contact lenses outermost surface softness and correlation with water content; Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie A02491-REP-198231-1, 2021.
13. Oxygen Permeability Measurement of Monthly SiHy WG Sphere (Phoenix) Contact Lenses. A02491-REP-173485. Unveröffentlichte Alcon Studie. 2019.
14. Based on in vitro measurement of thickness profiles on unworn lenses; A00717-REP-175127. Unveröffentlichte Alcon Studie, 2019.
15. Oxygen maps for TOTAL30 for Astigmatism; A00703-REP-199488. Unveröffentlichte Alcon Studie, 2021.
16. Based on the ratio of lens oxygen transmissibilities among daily disposable lenses. R-347-LC-50539-01-C. Unveröffentlichte Alcon Studie. 2010.
17. Pitt WG, Jack DR, Zhao Y, Nelson JL, Pruitt JD. Loading and release of a phospholipid from contact lenses. Optom Vis Sci. 2011;88(4):502-506.
18. DAILIES TOTAL1® Toric Fit and Rotation Claims Trial - Claims Support Summary. Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie zur Bewertung der Stabilität der Achsenausrichtung von DAILIES TOTAL1® for Astigmatism Linsen CLO870-C003 (n=47). 02.04.2020.
19. Based on a clinical performance evaluation of TOTAL30 Multifocal contact lenses. Unveröffentlichte interne Alcon Studie CLN705-C001, n=200 eyes, 2022, REF-21154.
20. McKenney C. Alcon Multifocal Precision Profile Contact Lens Design. Internes Alcon Memorandum. 12.04.2016.
21. Lemp J, Kern J. Alcon multifocal contact lenses for presbyopia correction. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Optometrists Congress; June 28-30, 2017; Ottawa, ON.
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