Contact details
Alcon Laboratories (Australia) Pty Ltd
ABN 88 000 740 830
Suite 1. Level 7. 15 Talavera Rd.
Macquarie Park NSW 2113
General enquiries: 1800 224 153
Alcon Laboratories (New Zealand) Limited
NZBN: 9429047030480
Level 4. The Blade
10-12 St Marks Street
Remuera. New Zealand 1050
General enquiries: 0800 101 106
References: 1. CLO870-C003 DAILIES TOTAL1 Toric Fit and Rotation Claims Trial - Claims Support Summary 2. CLO870-E004 Dispensing Clinical Performance Evaluation of Silicone Hydrogel Soft Toric Contact Lenses (clinical study summary) 3. Pitt W, Jack D, Zhao Y, Nelson J, Pruitt J. Loading and release of a phospholipid from contact lenses. Optom Vis Sci. 2011; 88(4)502-506. 4. CLO870-C002 TDOC-0055438 Comparison of Two Daily Disposable Silicone Hydrogel Toric Contact Lenses. 5. Greiner JV, Glonek T, Korb DR, Leahy C. Phospholipids in meibomian gland secretion. Ophthalmic Res. 1996;28(1):44-49. 6. Shine WE, McCulley JP. Polar lipids in human meibomian gland secretions. Curr Eye Res. 2003;26(2):89-94. 7. Angelini TE, Nixon RM, Dunn AC, et al. Viscoelasticity and mesh-size at the surface of hydrogels characterized with microrheology. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013;54:E-abstract 500. 8. Thekveli S, Qui Y, Kapoor Y, et al. Structure-property relationship of delefilcon A lenses. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2012;35(Supp1):e14. 9. Analytical and Material Property Verification Testing of DT1 UV HEVL Lenses: Spectral, Luminous, UV Class, and HEVL Percent Transmittance. Alcon data on file, 2018. Available on request. 10. Perez-Gomez I, Giles T. European survey of contact lens wearers and eye care professionals on satisfaction with a new water gradient daily disposable contact lens. Clinical Optometry. 2014;6:17–23. Sponsored by Alcon.
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Never disregard the advice of a medical professional.